AMFIU | View Institution Details
Institution Name:
Contact Person:
Office Physical Location:
Number of Branches:
Agric Loan Product Name:
General Product Description:
The product is availed to farmers that have already established a farm in any region of reach, its given out on terms of improving on what is on the farm i.e when you a farmer needs fertilizers or extension of his or farm
Target Market:
Loan Purpose:
Eligibility Criteria:
Grace Period Terms:
Loan Period:
Collateral Requirements:
Land that holds the farm
1% paid to CIC
Deposits Savings:
Minimum Loan Amount:
Maximum Loan Amount:
Loan Process:
A farmer gets a recommendation letter from the farmer group chairperson.; This letter is forwarded at the sacco loans department. ;A loan officer is appointed to appraise the file.;File is forwarded to the loans committee for approval;And then disbursed.