Agri Finance Loan Product Catalogue

    ID Institution Name Agric Loan Product Name General Product Description Target Market Eligibility Criteria Collateral Requirements District View More
    1 Mateete Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd Cattle Fattening Agricultural loan for financing farmers already practicing fattening business ( Stocking medium sized bulls for resale) Cattle farmers Register as a member Proof of ownership of grazing land. Share ratio 5% of the loan amount. Kibanja agreements, specifically the grazing land. Sembabule
    2 Justa-Microcredit Limited Agro Animal Husbandry Loan This loan is specially tailored for poultry, piggery farmers and cattle farming Poultry farmers, piggery cattle and dairy farmers Farmer must be above 18 years. Group guarantee for members in a group Collateral for non-group members. Having a verifiable agriculture activity. Group guarantee for members in a group Wakiso
    3 Justa-Microcredit Limited Agro Investment Loan This loan is specially tailored for farmers with small and medium enterprises involved in capital intensive agricultural activities along the value chain from production to marketing. This loan facilitates the acquisition of farm land, farm houses, agricultural machinery and storage facilities. Farmers dealing in with a verifiable agriculture activity. Farmer must be above 18 years., Group guarantee for members in a group and collateral for non-group members., Having a verifiable agriculture activity for 2 seasons. Group guarantee for members in a group and land verifiable by LC 1 for non-group members. Wakiso
    4 ASA Microfinance Uganda Ltd Agriculture Loan This Agriculture loan is aimed at developing farmers in increasing production in the community. Farmers (Micro and Macro farmers) Register as an ASA member.; Mostly given to permanent residents with running Agric-business; Have at least 50 decimal land verified by chairperson (Local Council-1) Group guarantee Kampala
    5 Bagezza Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Limited Crop Production This loan aims at facilitating farmers during the planting and weeding period that is of maize and beans mainly Small Scale farmers Registered member of the SACCO. The member should have security. The member should fill a form and have two guarantors. Share Ratio 1Share for every 100,000shs. Plot, Land Agreement Certified by the Chairperson LC1, Land Title Mubende
    6 Bunyaruguru Development Savings & Credit Co-Operative Society Limited Agricultural Loan Product The product is generic in nature because it was originally extended to individuals with proven agricultural farming activities, cash flows and security/collateral and has been in agriculture for more than one year. ;However, given the financing needs it extended to players across the value chains and subsectors given the financing need. However, the SACCO board and management have noted a need to review and accommodate their unique agribusiness financing needs. Smallholder farmers in all value chains and well as other actors across the same value chains Entrepreneurs who meet the following criteria will be eligible to access Agricultural (group and individual) Loans; Must possess a physical agricultural farm or garden, promising on its assessment; Must have operated the same type of business continuously for at least one year.; Must be engaged in business farming activities that generate regular sales (daily, weekly, monthly).; Must have a physical address.; Must be 18 years old and not above 70 years, and good character.; Must have a demonstra Land Title and land Sales Agreements Rubirizi District
    7 Kyaddondo CBS PEWOSA SACCO Mwanyi Terimba Loan Agricultural loan product aimed at financing farmers involved in the coffee value chain from production to exporting of coffee. People involved in the Coffee Value chain (Farmers, Buyers, Processors, Value additions and Exporters) especially the Youth and women Registered Member of Kyaddondo Has at least one acre of Coffee or Land and willing to plant coffee. Has full filed the minimum requirement for applying the loan. Land agreements to Land Titles Kampala
    8 Climaxx Microfinance Limited Seed loan program Smallholder farmers are given loans in the form of hybrid seeds, fertilizers, and farm inputs. Smallholder farmers in Northern Uganda Must be actively involved in agriculture; Loans in the form of cash and agricultural inputs ;Grace period of up to 4 months; Loan application fees 10,000/= (Ten thousand shillings only); Loan processing fees of 3% (one-off); Interest rate of 5% per month; Copy of National ID ; Security –where applicable ; Maximum loan period 12 months; Loan amount; Minimum 100,000/= (One hundred thousand shillings only) – Maximum 10,000,000/= (Ten million shillings only). Core group guarantee, farm inputs, and land title or land sales agreements Kampala
    9 Celebrate Hope SACCO Farm Improvement Loan The product is availed to farmers that have already established a farm in any region of reach, its given out on terms of improving on what is on the farm i.e when you a farmer needs fertilizers or extension of his or farm We mostly target coffee and macadamia farmers of greater masaka region One has to have a farm well known by the land’s office of Uganda or village council one since it’s the security to the sacco.; An active savings account on which we truck how he or has been selling with us since we have a record tracking system on all our farmers.; And a farmer group recommendation letter from the chairman of the farmer group on which the farmer is coming from. Land that holds the farm Kyotera District
    10 Justa Micro Credit Limited Agro Investment Loan This loan is specially tailored for farmers with small and medium enterprises involved in capital intensive agricultural activities along the value chain from production to marketing. This loan facilitates the acquisition of farm land, farm houses, agricultural machinery and storage facilities. Farmers dealing in with a verifiable agriculture activity. Farmer must be above 18 years. Group guarantee for members in a group and collateral for non-group members. Having a verifiable agriculture activity for 2 seasons. Group guarantee for members in a group and land verifiable by LC 1 for non-group members. Wakiso
    11 Kigarama Peoples Cooperative Savings & Credit Society Dairy farming loan (cross breeding) An agricultural product aimed at financing dairy farmers to access improved breeds of cattle for high dairy production (milk production). Cattle farmers Registered member, National identity card, One should at least 0ne acre of land. Purchase agreement confirmed by the chairperson L.C.1, Shares should be adequate to cover the requested amount (1 share for every USh.: 100,000 of loan) Land certified by the LC1 Chairman Sheema District
    12 Kijura SACCO Agriculture Loan Agriculture loan Targets financing a broad spectrum of Agriculture & livestock activities products produced at a commercial scale include: Crop production, Agriculture Processing & Marketing, Agriculture supporting activities like agriculture machinery such as trucks, tractors and arm tools agricultural equipment and accessories. Others may include Agric real estate (land purchase & hire, farm house construction & hire), fertilizers, pesticides, transportation and storage etc. Kijura SACCO’s area of operation is mainly covered by Farmers Should be a fully paid up member with a minimum of 3 Shares; Should be having Land in a particular village; Should be a person of integrity and with good characters; A person of sound mind, and aged between 18 and 70 years Land sale agreement certified by LC1 Chairperson; Chattels for Small loan borrowers ( Max 1M); Compulsory savings of 20% Kabarole District
    13 Lokitelaebu Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd Cereal banking The Agricultural loan that is aimed at financing farmers in cereal banking. Sorghum, maize and millet is bought during a harvest time and sold at a higher price at the time of scarcity Cereal Small holder farmers Registered member in the SACCO; Have a minimum of 10 Shares; Have 30% of the savings deposit in the account prior to the loan applied for; Land owners Land Agreement certified by LCI; Household item easily convertible to cash. Kotido
    14 Share An Opportunity (SAO) Zirobwe Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd Agriculture Loan This is loan product focus on members who are engaged in production, processing, and Marketing of legally acceptable agricultural products. Agri business members of SAO Zirobwe who live in Luweero, Mukono, Nakaseke, and Nakasongola Districts. Currently SAO Zirobwe has 17085 members of which most them live in rural area Member of SAO Zirobwe, 20 years and above, National ID, Engagement in agribusiness activity, Income sources, at least 2 Shares, CRB report, and Mortgage. Plot Agreement/Kibanja Agreement/Land Titles. Luweero
    15 Offaka SACCO Agriculture Loan Short – to - medium term loan designed for the purpose of business expansion and agriculture enterprising Farmers (small, medium crop production) rearing animals and chicken for sale. People from Madi and neighboring districts i.e. Our areas of operation Be a member.;e above 18yrs.; Reside in areas of operation.; Save 30% upfront. land agreement, animals, car and motor log book etc Arua
    16 Offaka SACCO Eva Loan Short to - medium term loan designed for the purpose of business expansion and agriculture enterprising Women in Groups each aged between 18 to 60 years Upper madi okollo, vurra and lower madi.;Group must have or open an account with OFFAKA SACCO.;20% voluntary savings;10% mandatory savings;Minimum of 1 share for individual and 3 shares for the group;Must be a member of OFFAKA SACCO;Verifiable enterprise that must have been in operation or under taking for a minimum period of 3 months;Minimum number of individual members per group is 5 only on radius of not more than 15kilometers and maximum of 30 members Minimum number of individual members per 5 personal guarantees of good reputation in the community for each group member within a group.;Chattel mortgage on business assets and or equipment ; Secondary security of animals, household items, motorables.; For group individual loans between Ugx 700,000 to Ugx 1,000,000 must pledge physical collateral to the SACCO in form of kibanja or chattels. Arua
    17 Rukiga SACCO Ltd Agriculture Loan The Agriculture loan is extended to individuals and groups with proven agricultural farms, cash flows and collateral and has been in agriculture for more than one year. The product covers all stages of agriculture value chain Farmers (Crops and animal husbandry) A fully paid up and registered member with the Sacco, Has a physical address ; Be 18years old and not above 75 years with good character ; Possess a viable physical agricultural farm/garden,agribusiness shop,agro processing or providing services that support agriculture value chain; Operated the same type of agri business continuously for atleast one year Land with a purchase or sales agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman; Titled land Rukiga
    18 Rukiga SACCO Ltd Agriculture Equipment Loan Extended to individuals and cooperatives with proven cash flows and are participants in the agriculture value chain Farmers, Agribusiness entrepreneurs and Co-operatives Must have proven source of income; Engaged in activities that generate regular income ;Have physical address; 18years of age but less than 75 years ; Mantaining an active account with the Sacco; Must pass the requirements of the credit investigations and cash flow processes Land title;sale agreement;Asset invested in with comprehensive insurance Rukiga
    19 Rural Finance Initiative - RUFI Crop Production Product Households, individuals or groups with access to land, owned or leased Vegetable, Cereals and Oil Seeds Farmers. Should have access to land, own or leased; Have at least 2-Year experience of basic farming of the same crops; Have access to market for the intended  A combination of assets including the animals themselves. Koboko
    20 Rural Finance Initiative - RUFI Pigs/Goats Rearing Product Households, individuals or groups with access to land, owned or leased Households/Groups rearing Pigs/Goats Should have access to land for rearing the goats or pigs; Be duly trained and shows potential to manage the business.; Willing to make an Own contribution of at least 25% of the loan capital required. ; Dully settled in the same location for at least a year and in good rapport with the RWC (Refugee Welfare Committees) or LCs.; Should have some other income sources, even if farming A combination of assets including the animals themselves Koboko
    21 Jennis Finance Company Limited Agricultural market vendors loans An agricultural loan aimed at financing agricultural market vendors who own stalls in different mark Agricultural market vendors Register/open up an account as a member; Must be a permanent resident; Must have a copy of the National ID; Must have two guarantors and at least one Land Sales Agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman Mukono
    22 Jennis Finance Company Limited Aquaculture loans An agricultural loan product aimed at financing Fish farmers. These farmers dig and own fish ponds in which they grow different types of fish. They sell their fish harvested from their ponds to different markets within the area and other market places. Fish Farmers Register/open up an account as a member; Must be a permanent resident; Must have a copy of the National ID; Must have two guarantors and at least one Land Sales Agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman Mukono
    23 Jennis Finance Company Limited Cattle purchasing Loans An agricultural loan aimed at financing Cattle purchasers dealing in buying and selling of cattle from farmers to other people like the butchers and cattle farmers. Cattle purchasers/dealers Register/open up an account as a member; Must be a permanent resident; Must have a copy of the National ID; Must have two guarantors and at least one Land Sales Agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman Mukono
    24 Jennis Finance Company Limited Potato, Cassava, Matooke, Tomatoes, Cabbages, Eggp An agricultural loan aimed at financing farmers growing Potato, Cassava, Matooke, Tomatoes, Cabbages Potato, Cassava, Matooke, Tomatoes, Cabbages, Eggplants farmers Register/open up an account as a member; Must be a permanent resident; Must have a copy of the National ID; Must have two guarantors and at least one Land Sales Agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman Mukono
    25 Jennis Finance Company Limited Piggery Loan An agricultural loan aimed at financing Piggery farmers rearing large white pigs for a least 1.5 years Piggery Farmers Register/open up an account as a member; Must be a permanent resident; Must have a copy of the National ID; Must have two guarantors and at least one Land Sales Agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman Mukono
    26 Jennis Finance Company Limited Poultry Loan An agricultural loan aimed at financing poultry farmers rearing broilers of 4kg at a maximum of four months. One day old broilers are bought and given to farmers to be reared and thereafter sold at a profit at the age four months. Poultry Farmers Register/open up an account as a member; Must be a permanent resident; Must have a copy of the National ID; Must have two guarantors and at least one Land Sales Agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman Mukono
    27 Jennis Finance Company Limited Rabbits rearing Loan An agricultural loan aimed at financing farmers dealing in rearing and selling of Rabbits Average loans ranging from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 are given to selected capable clients for a period ranging from 6 months to 12 months Rabbit keepers Register/open up an account as a member; Must be a permanent resident; Must have a copy of the National ID; Must have two guarantors and at least one Land Sales Agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman Mukoono
    28 Jennis Finance Company Limited Tricycle loans An agricultural loan product aimed at financing Farm produce transporters. These transport farmers’ produce from the gardens to different market places using a Tricycle. Different types of Tricycles are bought and given out on loans depending on the client’s need. Tricycle ridders Register/open up an account as a member; Must be a permanent resident; Must have a copy of the National ID; Must have two guarantors and at least one of them permanent with valid copies of National IDs; Have at least 20% compulsory savings; Have a substantive security land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman Mukono
    29 Muhame Financial Services Cooperative Limited Pasture Establishment and Improvement Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Cattle farmers Register as a member; Have a minimum of 5 shares.; Shares should be adequate enough to cover the requested amount (Share Ratio of 1:7); Have land veri Land certified by the LC1 Chairman Sheema
    30 Muhame Financial Services Cooperative Limited Bull Fattening Loan An agricultural loan that is aimed at financing farmers involved in rearing bulls for sale. These animals are bought young, fattened and then sold off at a profit. Cattle farmers Register as a member;Have a minimum of 5 shares.; Shares should be adequate enough to cover the requested amount (1 share for every USh.: 50,000 of loan); Have land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman Land certified by the LC1 Chairman Sheema
    31 Muhame Financial Services Cooperative Limited Farm Water and Improvement Loan An agricultural loan that is aimed at financing the construction of farm water wells, tanks and dams and also improving on the existing structures at the farm. This is purposely to provide clean water to the dairy animals Cattle farmers Register as a member; Have a minimum of 5 shares.; Shares should be adequate enough to cover the requested amount (Share Ratio of 1:7); Have land veri Land certified by the LC1 Chairman Sheema
    32 Muhame Financial Services Cooperative Limited Pasture Establishment And Improvement Loan An agricultural loan that is aimed at financing the establishing and maintenance of pasture for dairy cattle Cattle farmers Register as a member;Have a minimum of 5 shares.; Shares should be adequate enough to cover the requested amount (1 share for every USh.: 50,000 of loan); Have land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman Land certified by the LC1 Chairman Sheema
    33 Muhame Financial Services Cooperative Limited Dairy Cattle Acquisition and Improvement Loan An agricultural loan that is aimed at financing acquisition of dairy cattle for milk production and also improving on the existing farm. These animals are bought and improved for high and quality milk production Cattle farmers Register as a member; Have a minimum of 5 shares.; Shares should be adequate enough to cover the requested amount (Share Ratio of 1:7); Have land veri Register as a member; Have a minimum of 5 shares.; Shares should be adequate enough to cover the requested amount (Share Ratio of 1:7); Have land verifiable by at least 3 members of LC1 and chairman; Household items, motor vehicle, or titled land Sheema
    34 Nyaravur Farmers’ SACCO Cassava Loan Cassava value chain production Members of Nyaravur SACCO and the General public located in sub counties involved in Cassava value chain production with focus on fast maturing varieties. 10% Contribution by the client as compulsory savings; Age bracket of 18-70 years: Must have alternative sources of income; Must come from the operatio Nebbi
    35 Nyaravur Farmers’ SACCO Agricultural Production Loan Short-to-medium term loan designed for the purpose of financing agricultural activities, undertaken Individuals and groups with proven experience in farming undertaking production of crops like cotton, simsim, cassava, beans, maize, coffee, irish potatoes, poultry farmers, goat rearing, piggery farm Proof of nationality – Passport or National ID; Proof of residence: LC’s letter); Share holder Nebbi
    36 Nyaravur Farmers’ SACCO Irish potato seed multiplication Loan Short-to-medium term loan designed for the purpose of financing Irish potato seed multiplication i.e Irish potato farmers Individuals and groups with at least 2 years proven experience in Irish potato seed production: Proof of business plan verified by ZODFA or proof from Nebbi
    37 Nyaravur Farmers’ SACCO Irrigation Loan The loan product funds construction of water pumping point from the surface water sources like river Members of Nyaravur SACCO and ZODFA and the General public with agricultural production along the water bodies, involved in fast growing enterprises like vegetables, nursery bed farmers and any other 10% Contribution by the client as compulsory savings; Age bracket of 18-70; Must have alternative sources of income; Must come from the operational ar Land ,Motorable assets in combination to the procured equipment, in the absence of other collaterals, credible Guarantors and the asset which will be considered for loans below Ugx 500,000 Nebbi
    38 RUSCA Ltd Cattle Fattening Loan Is an agriculture loan product aimed at increasing members income Business men women and youth dealing in cattle fattening Should be a member; Should have 10% shares of the amount applied; Must have a collateral security; Must be a dairy farmer or milk vendor Land certified by the LC1 Chairman Ntungamo
    39 RUSCA Ltd Agric Loan Is a loan type targeting farmers aiming at improving agriculture production and income of members Farmers (Micro and Macro) Should be a member; Should have 10% shares of the amount applied; Must have a collateral security Land certified by the LC1 Chairman Ntungamo
    40 RUSCA Ltd Agriveg Loan Is an agriculture loan targeting farmers growing vegetables like tomatoes, cabbages and Onions Onion, tomatoes and cabbage farmers Should be a member;Period is determined at the level the money is required e.g if a member requests money at nursery bed, he/ she is given 6m and at planting, 4-3 moths;Should be willing to purchase shares upto 5% of the applied amount;Must have a collateral security to cover the loan unless is under abi loan guarantee Land certified by the LC1 Chairman Ntungamo
    41 RUSCA Ltd Liisa Ente Loan Is an agriculture loan targeting dairy farmers with an aim of increasing milk production Dairy farmers; Milk vendors SShould be a member; Must have the required shares; Must have a collateral unless under abi loan guarantee; Should be 18 years of age and above Land agreement verified by the LC1 council Ntungamo
    42 Opportunity Bank Agric Trust Group Loan Agricultural loans given to individual farmers in registered farmer groups to support them in all ag Small holder farmers under registered farmer groups Be a member is a registered farmer group; LC1 verifies that you’re a farmer and a group member; Farmers have to be dealing in the same crop Loan security fund of 20% of the loan amount; Group guarantee Kampala
    43 Opportunity Bank Individual Agriculture Loan Agricultural loans given to individual farmers to support them in all agricultural needs Small holder farmers The individual has to be an actor in any stage of the Agric value chain Undeveloped Kibanja agreements; Registered land (land tittles); Movable chattels Kampala
    44 Opportunity Bank ACF Individual Loan Agricultural loans given to individual farmers to support them in all agricultural needs Small holder farmers The individual has to be an actor in any stage of the Agric value chain Undeveloped Kibanja agreements; Registered land (land tittles); Movable chattels Kampala
    45 Opportunity Bank ACF SME Loan Agricultural loans given to individual farmers and all forms of companies to support them in all agr Large scale farmers, traders/aggregators The individual/company has to be an actor in any stage of the Agric value chain Undeveloped Kibanja agreements; Registered land (land tittles); Movable chattels Kampala
    46 Opportunity Bank AGRIC SME Loan Agricultural loans given to individual farmers and all forms of companies to support them in all agr Large scale farmers, traders/aggregators. The individual/company has to be an actor in any stage of the Agric value chain Undeveloped Kibanja agreements; Registered land (land tittles); Movable chattels Kampala
    47 RDF Uganda Limited Group Agricultural Loan To enable customers move from purely substance farming to semi-substance and eventually to commercial farming. Underserved individuals living in rural and semi urban areas with no direct access to commercialized lending The applicant must have citizenship of Uganda (Refugees or internally displaced persons should bear a passport/ID card); The applicant must possess a Group Guarantorship Masaka
    48 Finance Trust Bank Agro Production Loan Agriculture activities at the farm level where out puts are in their primary raw form Individuals, associations involved in farming activities at production level Verifiable agricultural activity & farming as a business with experience in similar line of farming for at least two seasons; 18 years and permanent r Personal assets such as vehicles, land titles, Kibanja, chattels etc; Land sales agreements ( Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels(animals, farm implements, house hold items); Vehicles must be comprehensively insured; Machiner Kampala
    49 Finance Trust Bank Agro Processing Loan Value addition by transforming a raw material into a processed product Individual, associations & companies involved in agricultural processing activities to add value to the product Verifiable agricultural activity & farming as a business with experience in similar line of farming for at least two seasons; 18 years and permanent r Personal assets such as vehicles, land titles, Kibanja, chattels etc; Land sales agreements ( Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels(animals, farm implements, house hold items); Vehicles must be comprehensively insured; Machiner Kampala
    50 Finance Trust Bank Agro Marketing Loan Buying and selling of agricultural products and inputs from one place to another without value addit Individuals, Associations & Companies involved in marketing of agricultural products Verifiable agricultural activity & farming as a business with experience in similar line of farming for at least two seasons; 18 years and permanent r Personal assets such as vehicles, land titles, Kibanja, chattels etc; Land sales agreements ( Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels(animals, farm implements, house hold items); Vehicles must be comprehensively insured; Machiner Kampala
    51 Finance Trust Bank Agro Investment Loan Capital intensive agricultural activities along the value chain from production to marketing Individuals/ commercial farmers, and companies with small and medium term enterprises who are involved in various forms of capital intensive agricultural activities Verifiable agricultural activity & farming as a business with experience in similar line of farming for at least two seasons; 18 years and permanent r Personal assets such as vehicles, land titles, Kibanja, chattels etc; Land sales agreements ( Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels(animals, farm implements, house hold items); Vehicles must be comprehensively insured; Machiner Kampala
    52 Finance Trust Bank Women in Agriculture Women engaged in Agriculture activities at various levels in the value chain Individual women, Association & women companies in agriculture activities Verifiable agricultural activity & farming as a business with experience in similar line of farming for at least two seasons; 18 years and permanent r Personal assets such as vehicles, land titles, Kibanja, chattels etc; Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, house hold items); Vehicles must be comprehensively insured; Machiner Kampala
    53 Destiny Microfinance Limited Group Agricultural and Individual Agricultural Loa The product is specifically offered to individual and group farmers=s (both crop and animal producti Individual; Group farmers and dealers Should be 18 years of age and above; A famer who is engaged in legal small, medium, scale farming enterprise(s); have appropriate collateral; The farm Loan guarantee Fund and other registered collaterals Wakiso
    54 Karibu Microfinance Limited SME Agribusiness Loan This is a product that is primarily aimed at promoting existing and potential clients engaged in Agr Customers dealing and involved in Agribusiness sector at different levels within the value chain process. This includes all in rural, peri-urban and urban areas Proof of Identity (National ID) plus 3 passport photos; Proof of income source; Financial bank statements (at least 4 months); 2 Guarantors each with Land Title: KML carries out a land title search through land registry; KML registers a mortgage at client’s cost. Land is valued by KML’s approved valuers. Motor vehicle: KML registers and endorsement (Caveat) on the client’s motor vehicle logb Kampala
    55 Buyanja SACCO Ltd Dairy Loan Product An agricultural loan that is aimed at financing farmers involved in the dairy agro-subsector Dairy farmers Must be a member of Buyanja SACCO; Have land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; 2 guarantors who are members of the SACCO with min 5 shares; Loan Land certified by the LC1 Chairman and must be 2.5 times the value of the loan amount requested Rukungiri
    56 Kasaana Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd Bull Fattening Loan Under this agricultural loan, farmers get finances and buy animals at certain ages and size, graze and fatten them for a certain period usually four months and make sales after realizing profits on them. Cattle farmers Membership first; A minimum of 2 shares; Loans depend on share ratio (1:10) (1 share for shs 100,000; Land confirmed from LC1 chairman Sheema
    57 Kasaana Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd Agricultural farm inputs General product description, under here, farmers acquire loans to buy inputs such as fertilizers, mulches, garden tools such as hoes, forked hoes knapsack sprayers, protective wears such as gloves and gumboots Farmers Membership first; A minimum of 2 shares; Loans depend on share ratio (1:10) (1 share for shs 100,000; Land confirmed from LC1 chairman Sheema
    58 Kasaana Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd Agri-Commercial Here, loans are given to farmers intended to add value to their harvests.Examples include alcohol brewing from bananas and sugar cane and further processes.Also, borrowers may be directly involved in trading in agriculture products and need to ease the business by purchasing motorcycles, boosting labor force and others Agric Value Addition Membership first; A minimum of 2 shares; Loans depend on share ratio (1:10); (1 share for Ugx 100,000; Land confirmed from LC1 chairman Sheema
    59 Kasaana Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd Animal Production Under this arrangement, members access fund for domestic projects such as poultry and piggery whose their payback period is short. Animal Production Membership first; A minimum of 2 shares; Loans depend on share ratio (1:10) (1 share for shs 100,000; Land confirmed from LC1 chairman Sheema
    60 Ultra Finance Limited UFL – Agriculture loan This Agriculture loan is aimed at helping farmer buy inputs and clearing land and pay back after harvest. It also includes bull fattening. Farming and Animal husbandry 130% of loan taken Kampala
    61 Mateete Savings
    62 Alut Kot SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming crops like soya groundnuts sunflower and maize majorly, and cattle rearing. Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; 30% compulsory savings: Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Oyam
    63 Bugadde SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is designed for crop production, field production, bulk agro marketing and animal husbandry. Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share 10% of approved loan amount; Compulsory savings 15% of approved loan amount; Viable economic activity; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Mayuge
    64 Community Fund Microfinance Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired though groups all types of farming Farmers Should be a member of a group; Must have farmer Agric activity; Compulsory savings 10% of approved loan amount; Viable economic activity; Age bracket above 18 - 65 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence: Must have group guarantors of the specified group; spousal consent; LC 1 recommendation. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels Wakiso
    65 Devine Microfinance Ltd Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is given to distributors, resellers, those that do commercial agriculture Farmers within the area of operation Should state loan purpose; possess another source of income; have Agric related activity; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must have a stamped LC 1 letter: Must have two guarantors who have a permanent residence Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels Wakiso
    66 EBO Financial Services Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for financing, and marketing animal, crop and livestock value chain Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Must have an active account; Age above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Mbarara
    67 Eleglance Microfinance Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for last value chain and linkages; finished product, buyers and resellers Clients dealing in last value chain Should be in the Agri business, buying and reselling finished products Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Substantial verifiable fixed assets Entebbe
    68 Hakashenyi SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for dairy and horticulture like cabbages, Onions, Irish potatoes Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio 1:10; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kabale
    69 Hima Community SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired in groups of 10 to 15 members involved in farming activities Local farmers Should be a member of a group; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kasese
    70 Igara Buhweju Tea Farmers SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for tea farming, coffee farming, banana planting and rearing of cattle Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO; Next of kin/spouse to sign. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Motor Vehicle cards Bushenyi
    71 Igara Buhweju Tea Farmers SACCO Agriculture Business An agricultural loan that is acquired for commercial farming, last value chain Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO; Next of kin/spouse to sign. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Motor Vehicle cards Bushenyi
    72 Igara Buhweju Tea Farmers SACCO Agriculture Inputs An agricultural loan that is acquired for agricultural inputs Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO; Next of kin/spouse to sign. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Motor Vehicle cards Bushenyi
    73 Igara Buhweju Tea Farmers SACCO Agriculture Equipment An agricultural loan that is acquired for purchasing equipment used for farming Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO; Next of kin/spouse to sign. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Motor Vehicle cards Bushenyi
    74 Igara Buhweju Tea Farmers SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops, rearing of animals and poultry, etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Kwania
    75 Ikwera SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops, rearing of animals and poultry, etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Kwania
    76 Iryaruvumba SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for local farmers dealing in Irish potatoes growing and cattle rearing Local farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket above18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kisoro
    77 Kashongi Farmers SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired to finance agriculture business activities in production, processing and marketing value chains Animal keepers and crop farmers Should be a member; Must have an active savings account; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kiruhura
    78 Kati Youth Ventures Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops, animal husbandry, poultry, and dealers in produce Farmers within the area of operation Should be doing Agriculture as a source of Income; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area: Must have two guarantors Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Lira
    79 Kiboga Food Farmers Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired to support last mile agriculture production Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Must have active agriculture business; 10% Compulsory savings Shareholder; Share 5% of loan amount; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area: Must have two guarantors Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kiboga
    80 Kihanga Mparo SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all, rearing of other animals like piggery Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-80 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two/ three guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Rukiga
    81 Kijomoro Farmers SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of food crops farming and produce business Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Compulsory savings 10%-15% of loan amount; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Maracha
    82 Kishenyi SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of crop farming and their inputs. Local Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder 1:10; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have guarantors who are members of the SACCO in brackets of 1M-10M(one), above 10M(Three) Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Sheema
    83 Kyamuhunga Peoples SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for tea growers majorly with a few coffee farmers Tea or Coffee farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Age bracket above 18 years; must have running business with 6 months experience; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence for over 6 months; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO By Policy one must have collateral twice the approved loan amount; Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Bushenyi
    84 Lyamujungu SACCO Short term Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; minimum Loan–share ratio 1:10; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kabale
    85 Lyamujungu SACCO Bull fattening An agricultural loan that is acquired for financing farmers involved in rearing bulls for sale. These animals are bought young, fattened and then sold off at a profit Cattle farmers Should be a member; Shareholder; minimum Loan–share ratio 1:10; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kabale
    86 Lyamujungu SACCO Diary Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for financing farmers involved milk production Diary production clients Should be a member; Shareholder; minimum Loan–share ratio 1:10; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kabale
    87 MADFA SACCO Agriculture Production Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers, youth and Women within the area of operation Should be a member with active enterprise; Should be a youth or Woman; Age above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman or be part of a group; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items); Motor car or Motor Cycle Masindi
    88 MAMIDICOT Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming and dealers in produce Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Masaka
    89 Maranatha Financial Services Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming Farmers, agribusiness, fishing business Should be in business for at least 1 year; Age above 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence: Must have two guarantors Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Nsangi
    90 Mubuga SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member at least 3 months; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items, log books) Kisoro
    91 Nazingo SACCO Agriculture Production Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Minimum of 3 shares; Minimum savings: Ugx 5000; ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kayunga
    92 Nazingo SACCO Bibala Bugaga Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of fruit farming Fruit Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Minimum of 3 shares; Minimum savings: Ugx 5000; ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kayunga
    93 Nazingo SACCO Matooke Bugaga Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for Matooke planting Matooke farmers within the area of operation Establishing, improving and maintaining Matooke plantations Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kayunga
    94 Nazingo SACCO Maize Value Chain Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for dealers in maize production Dealers in Maize production within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Minimum of 3 shares; Minimum savings: Ugx 5000; ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kayunga
    95 Nazingo SACCO Agriculture Business An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of agriculture business Agriculture produce distributors and resellers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Minimum of 3 shares; Minimum savings: Ugx 5000; ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kayunga
    96 Nyakayojo Peoples SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops, banana plantations, piggery, bull fattening Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; share equal to 10% loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Mbarara
    97 Rolem Microfinance Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for distributors and sellers of produce Dealers in produce within the area of operation Should be in business for 1 year member; Age bracket of 18-60 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must be a permanent resident: Must have two guarantors but 1 must be a permanent resident Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kampala
    98 Rolem Microfinance Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for distributors and sellers of produce Dealers in produce within the area of operation Should be in business for 1 year member; Age bracket of 18-60 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must be a permanent resident: Must have two guarantors but 1 must be a permanent resident Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kampala
    99 Rubabo Peoples SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Minimum shares 20,000; Age above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Rukungiri
    100 Rushere SACCO Agriculture loan main This Agriculture loan is aimed at financing small scale, medium scale farmers both crop growing and animal rearing Men and women of 70 years and below; Youths of 18 years and above; Dairy cooperatives; Groups and disabled people Should be a member with economic agriculture activity; Shareholder 1:10; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman but 150% of loan amount; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors one of whom stays home with you. Must have a bank account. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items); 150% of loan amount Kiruhura
    101 Rushere SACCO Dairy Advance Loan This agriculture loan product is aimed at extending overdraft/advances to dairy cooperatives for milk payments All registered dairy cooperatives; Institutions like schools, churches investing in agricultural activities Must be registered cooperative; Must present list of farmers; Executive committee members of cooperative are the signatories of the loan advance Not applicable Kiruhura
    102 Rushere SACCO Agriculture Quarterly loan This loan is aimed at helping farmers who invest in medium term agricultural projects which take more than 03 months to generate returns like bull/cattle fattening, crop growing Men and women of 70 years and below; Youths of 18 years and above; Dairy cooperatives; Groups and disabled people Should be a member with economic agriculture activity; Shareholder 1:10; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman but 150% of loan amount; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors one of whom stays home with you. Must have a bank account. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items); 150% of loan amount Kiruhura
    103 Rwanyamahembe SACCO Agriculture Loan Beneficiaries are those who practice agriculture on a subsistence scale with no intention of business in it, mainly for home food security. Both small, medium and large-scale farmers in production, marketing and value addition chains plus other acters in the agriculture value chain. Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket above of 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Mbarara
    104 Rwanyamahembe SACCO Agribusiness Loan Beneficiaries are those who practice agriculture on a large scale with business intensions along the agriculture value chains of production, Value addition and marketing. Both small, medium and large-scale farmers in production, marketing and value addition chains plus other acters in the agriculture value chain. Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket above of 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Mbarara
    105 Wakiso Self Help SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming. Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket above18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO: valuation reports. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Wakiso
    106 YUDWESCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of crop farming like soya bean, maize, etc.. Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder at least 10% shares; Age bracket above 18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO; 30% compulsory savings. Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Yumbe
    107 Uganda Ecumenical Church Loan Fund Ltd (ECLOF UGANDA) Agriculture Loan This Agriculture loan is aimed at funding Direct Agricultural activities e.g Fishing, Poultry, Cattle fattening, Growing of crops like Maize, Beans, Pineapples, Coffee, Sugarcane, watermelon, Tomatoes, Sweetpotatios etc Farmers, Traders, processors all people in the Agric value chain whose business needs are up to 150m Client should be above 18years. Been in business for at least 1year. Land Titles, Kibanja where land is not titled, Car logbooks KAMPALA DISTRICT
    108 Uganda Ecumenical Church Loan Fund Ltd (ECLOF UGANDA) Agribusiness Loan This loan is aimed at funding agricultural activities in the value chain other than production i.e Trade in chicken, Fish, Cattle, Agric produce, Timber among others Farmers, Traders, processors all people in the Agric value chain whose business needs are up to 150m Client should be above 18years. Been in business for at least 1year. Land Titles, Kibanja where land is not titled, Car logbooks Kampala
    109 Jennis Finance Company Limited Goat Farming Loans An agricultural loan aimed at financing Goat farmers rearing Improved breeds of goats for a least1.5 years. Two months Improved breeds of goats are bought and given to farmers to be reared and thereafter sold at a profit at the age 1.5years. Also a Boer (male) goat is bought and kept at the group leader’s place and every member who brings their local goats to met with it pays some money. This product is also aimed at improving the local breed into better breeds for farmers. Goat Farmers • Register/open up an account as a member • Must be a permanent resident • Must have a copy of the National ID • Must have two guarantors and at least one of them permanent with valid copies of National IDs • Have at least 20% compulsory savings • Have a substantive security land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman Land Sales Agreement certified by the LC1 Chairman Mukono
    110 JUSTA-MICROCREDIT LIMITED SOLAR PUMP SET LOAN This loan is specially tailored for farmers who want to purchase water pumping system for their farms instead of using fuel which is too expensive. The water pump works very well, even on cloudy days. Farmers especially horticulture, coffee, cattle and dairy and banana plantations. - Must be above 18 years. -Client must produce an LC letter to confirm his/her residence in the area. -Proof of availability of land. -Must have been in farming business for more than 2 seasons Solar pump set its self. WAKISO
    111 JUSTA MICRO CREDIT LIMITED AGRO MARKETING LOAN This loan is specially tailored for whole sale distributors who do purchasing, aggregating and transporting large volumes of produce such as Bogoya, cassava, vegetables and rice thus distributing it to their customers outside the island. Wholesale distributors and intermediaries. - Must be above 18 years. -Client must produce an LC letter to confirm his/her residence in the area. -Group guarantee by members in a group Collateral for non-group members. Group guarantee for members in a group land verifiable by LC 1 for non-group/individual members. Wakiso
    112 JUSTA MICRO CREDIT LIMITED AGRO PROCESSING LOAN This loan is specially tailored for farmers who want to add value to agricultural products through processing before selling. It includes (cassava/rice) millers, juice makers, meat processors, bakers and makers of snacks. Farmers dealing in value addition -Farmer must be above 18 years. -Group guarantee for members in a group and collateral for non-group members. -Having a verifiable agriculture activity for 2 seasons. Group guarantee for members in a group and land verifiable by LC 1 for non-group members. Wakiso
    113 JUSTA MICRO CREDIT LIMITED AGRO PRODUCTION LOAN This loan is specially tailored for farmers who need to meet their short term financial requirements during the cultivation season. Leading to increase in their agriculture production yields. The farmers are supported to purchase seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and other farm inputs. Farmers in rural areas Farmer must be above 18 years. -Group guarantee for members in a group and collateral for non-group members. -Having a verifiable agriculture activity for 2 seasons Group guarantee for members in a group and land verifiable by LC 1 for non-group members. Wakiso
    114 Across International Microfinance Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Masindi
    115 Adjumani Town Council Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Adjumani
    116 Kolping Microfinance Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Hoima
    117 Omipa SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Isingiro
    118 S&C FINTECH Microfinance Ltd Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Shareholder; Loan–share ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kampala
    119 Kampala Development SACCO Agriculture Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming all crops and other plantations like forests, tea, rearing of other animals apart from dairy cattle, poultry, apiary, horticulture etc Farmers within the area of operation Should be a member; Must have saved for at least 3 months; Shareholder; 10% shares of Loan amount; Age above18 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Kampala
    120 Elegu Traders Savings & Credit Co-operative Society. Horticulture Agriculture financing This Agriculture loan is aimed at improving household income of farmers Women farmers, small business holders (women) Women/ Youth in value chains, small businesses Groups members, and LC Letter Amuri District
    121 UGAFODE MICROFINANCE LIMITED (MDI) UFAFODE Water and Sanitation Loan WASH loans refer to financial products designed to fund projects or initiatives aimed at improving access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Provide financing support to low and medium income earners in rural and peri-urban areas who are desirous of improving their water and sanitation conditions Proof of ownership of plot of land where proposed WSS improvement project is to be taken Be located within the operational area served by a given UGAFODE branch office Borrower be encouraged to disclose any outstanding loan facility with any other institution at the time of submitting their loan application to UGAFODE Borrower should have a good source of income that is sufficient for repayment of the whole loan. For Individual Loan Land titles in clients name to be perfected at clients cost Land sales agreement (kibanja) require third party reference from family and LC1 2 reputable guarantors Chattels Loan Guarantee Savings of 10% of loan amount where client is pledging chattels For group loans Loan guarantee savings of 10% Group members to guarantee the loan KAMPALA
    122 KIGARAMA FARMERS SACCO Agriculture Production Loan An agricultural loan that is acquired for all types of farming Should be a member; Shareholder; Minimum of 3 shares; Minimum savings: Ugx 5000; ratio based on loan amount; Age bracket of 18-70 years; Must have verifiable collateral security or land verifiable by Local Council 1 Chairman; Proof of nationality and Proof of residence; Must come from the operational area of the SACCO: Must have two guarantors who are members of the SACCO Land titles/Land sales agreements (Kibanja) require reference from the family and LC1; Chattels (animals, farm implements, property, house hold items) Sheema
    123 VISION FUND (UGANDA) VISION FUND Water and Sanitation Loan WASH loans refer to financial products designed to fund projects or initiatives aimed at improving access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Provide financing support to low and medium income earners in rural and urban areas who are desirous of improving their water and sanitation conditions Proof of ownership of plot of land where proposed WSS improvement project is to be taken Be located within the operational area served by a given Vision Fund branch office Borrower be encouraged to disclose any outstanding loan facility with any other institution at the time of submitting their loan application to VISION FUND Borrower should have a good source of income that is sufficient for repayment of the whole loan. Land titles in clients name to be perfected at clients cost Land sales agreement (kibanja) require third party reference from family and LC1 2 reputable guarantors Chattels Loan Guarantee Savings of 10% of loan amount where client is pledging chattels KAMPALA