AMFIU | View Institution Details
Institution Name:
Contact Person:
Office Physical Location:
Number of Branches:
Agric Loan Product Name:
General Product Description:
An agricultural product aimed at financing dairy farmers to access improved breeds of cattle for high dairy production (milk production).
Target Market:
Loan Purpose:
Eligibility Criteria:
Grace Period Terms:
Loan Period:
Collateral Requirements:
Land certified by the LC1 Chairman
1% of the amount disbursed paid to an external insurance company
Deposits Savings:
Minimum Loan Amount:
Maximum Loan Amount:
Loan Process:
The member purchases and Fills the loan application form; A desk appraisal is conducted (Credit referencing bureau).; Site visit by the credit officer. Approval by branch credit committee. Approval management credit committee; Signing of the loan agreement.; The loan is disbursed through the saving account of the member.