Our Strategy

AMFIU – Our Strategy

AMFIU implements activities based on a strategic plan. The current strategy runs 2022 – 2026 and below is the snap shot of the plan


Key Strategic Aspirations

Flagship Services

  1. Digital financial literacy to improve usage of DFS among customers of MFIs
  2. Training and providing technical assistance to microfinance institutions/ SACCOs and their clients in financial literacy, business skills development.
  3. Capacity building in green microfinance, water credit
  4. Microfinance sector performance monitoring.
  5. Financial inclusion (enhancing access to financial services for vulnerable groups, promoting socially oriented financial products).
  6. Entrepreneurship skills development for refugees using simulation models.
  7. Training and capacity building (governance, business skills, financial literacy, risk management, Digital Financial Services, product development, strategic planning, farm record keeping etc).
  8. Social Performance management and consumer protection.
  9. Information dissemination to and about the sector.
  10. Lobby and advocacy on behalf of the sector.
  11. Research on topical issues

          Key Target Group

          1. AMFIU ordinary members (MFIs and SACCOs)
          2. Wholesale lenders
          3. Government
          4. Development partners
          5. Other financial services providers in the microfinance sector
          6. Customers of MFIs/SACCOs
          7. Vulnerable groups (refugees, person with disabilities, youth, women)

              Delivery Channels

              1. Physical
              2. Virtual

              Competitive Advantages

              1. Recognized industry association
              2. Sound institutional governance
              3. Professionalism
              4. Skilled Personnel